AMAX is a global provider of total computing solutions. We offer the whole gamut of expertise in solution architecture, OS / Application, networking, production, and technical support to meet customer needs at every stage, from solution design to deployment. AMAX is the technology architecture consultant and manufacturer for many of the world's top national labs, research universities and Fortune 100 & 1000 companies.AMAX于1979年創立於美國矽谷,是資料中心、高性能計算以及伺服器OEM解決方案值得信賴的領先企業及業界標杆。AMAX總部位於加州矽谷,與全球IT行業頂尖企業為伍,吸收IT業界最尖端科技和矽谷名校最精英人才,為全球用戶提供完善的計算解決方案。AMAX在中國 (ISO 9001/14001) 及美國 (ISO 9001/ 14001/ TL9000) 各地均設置有符合 ISO 和 UL 認證標準的生產基地,市場服務範圍涵蓋美國、加拿大、拉美、亞太以及歐盟地區。